Levende Hav

Underskriftssamling: Mod EU-tilskud forbundet med overfiskeri

Der skal til oktober træffes beslutningen, om hvorvidt EU’s fiskeristøtte skal fortsætte som den har gjort de sidste 10 år, eller ej. Denne fiskeristøtte anses som værende en af de største årsager til overfiskeri.

Den britiske forening Marinet har startet en underskriftsamling. Hjælp med til at stoppe denne uhensigtsmæssige udnyttelse af marinmiljøet, giv din underskrift og vær med til at gøre en forskel.


October 2013 Decision on EU Fisheries Subsidies 


PLEASE watch our three-minute Film and  – We need One Million Signatures to influence President Barroso and the Fisheries Ministers!! 

In October the fate of Europe’s fish stocks and the future health of its seas will be decided with the EU decision on new fishing subsidies.  Intelligent subsidies will restore the stocks, the health of its seas, and the prosperity of its fishing industry.  But powerful voices are already calling for the continuation of those subsidies that for ten years have caused over-fishing and emptied our seas.  They are those which increase fishing capacity and make it profitable to continue fishing when it is clear that the stocks need time to recover: they include fuel-tax exemption, ‘modernisation’ and new-build subsidies.  Their supporters serve the short-term interests of influential sectors within  the fishing industry which will simply move their money into different businesses when the marine environment has been destroyed.

Join us in demanding the introduction of intelligent subsidies that will restore health to our seas, fish stocks and enduring prosperity for the fishing industry.  Please watch the film, sign the petition, and get your friends, families, colleagues and group members to do the same in support of this very important issue.

Thank You for our Shared Marine Environment!!

John Stansfield
(The Marine Information Network of UK Friends of the Earth)


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Posted in: Dagens Nyheder, Enkeltsager, EU Politik 2013, Miljødebat 2013

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